100 Ways To Relax (brought to you by our patients!)

We talk a lot about relaxation and the importance of it in the studio. The conversation is on repeat with each of our patients and for good reason! Lowered stress levels have been shown to reduce bloating, PMS, insomnia, skin complaints, increase fertility and energy levels by allowing our Hypothalamic -Pituitary – Adrenal (HPA) Axis to function optimally.

We all know stress is bad and not being stressed is good but at times we struggle with how to get into a state of relaxation when everything around us seems so crazy! So we came up with a list of 100 ways to relax based on our patients responses over the years and want to share it with you.
We suggest picking your top 10 and carving out 30-60 minutes each day to enjoy one of them.

Top 100 Ways to Relax (Brought to you by our patients!)

  1. Run an epsom salt bath
  2. Have a long shower
  3. Meditate
  4. Read a book
  5. Make a cup of tea
  6. Enjoy tech-free time
  7. Sit in the sun
  8. Give yourself a home manicure
  9. Let your skin soak up a face mask
  10. Nourish your hair with a hair mask
  11. Brush your hair mindfully
  12. Moisturise your body
  13. Give yourself a foot massage
  14. Practice yoga nidra
  15. Buy a plant and tend to it daily
  16. Infuse oils around the house
  17. Mindfully eat a meal, really taste the food
  18. Go for a walk without your phone
  19. Have a meaningful conversation
  20. Write someone a letter
  21. Dance around the living room
  22. Listen to a whole album start to finish
  23. Watch a funny cat video on youtube
  24. Have a glass of wine
  25. Journal
  26. Enjoy yin yoga at home
  27. Choose and play a song that suits your mood that day
  28. Cook a new dish every week
  29. Draw
  30. Paint
  31. Buy blue-blocking lights for your home
  32. Read poetry
  33. Go to an open mic night
  34. People watch
  35. Clean your living spaces
  36. Play a board game
  37. Learn an instrument
  38. Organise your clothes
  39. Complete a puzzle
  40. Call a friend
  41. Call your mum
  42. Gaze into your partner or a friend’s eyes for a minute
  43. Stretch
  44. Do something nice for a stranger
  45. Bake a cake
  46. Gaze at the clouds
  47. Walk barefoot on the sand
  48. Walk barefoot on the grass
  49. Watching dogs play at the park
  50. Submerge yourself in the ocean
  51. Watch a sunrise
  52. Watch a sunset
  53. Go to the cinema
  54. Watch a play
  55. Watch live music
  56. Help a friend with something
  57. Laugh with your niece
  58. Get a massage
  59. Go to a float tank
  60. Go to an infrared sauna
  61. Go for a nature walk
  62. Go to the beach
  63. Write down 10 things you are grateful for
  64. Take your dog for a walk
  65. Join a book club
  66. Take up dance
  67. Enroll in a creative course
  68. Get lost in your imagination
  69. Knit a scarf
  70. Climb a tree
  71. Clean your junk draw
  72. Learn something new
  73. Lie down and do nothing (tech-free)
  74. Listen to the sounds around you
  75. Write 10 things you like about yourself
  76. Go on a road trip
  77. Plan a holiday
  78. Learn calligraphy
  79. Make a beeswax wrap
  80. Make your own almond milk
  81. Buy and tend to a Bonzi tree
  82. Restore old furniture
  83. Mend your old clothes
  84. Write a love letter
  85. Cuddle someone
  86. Get intimate with your partner
  87. Teach your dog a new trick
  88. Make a casserole for a friend who has a newborn
  89. Go to the Blue Mountains
  90. Give yourself a head massage
  91. Put on an eye mask
  92. Learn origami
  93. Learn the words of your favourite song
  94. Laugh with a friend
  95. Make your own face cream
  96. Spray lavender on your pillowcase
  97. Go to an art show
  98. Make someone laugh
  99. Reflect on the good in your life
  100. Sing in the shower

If you want to know more about managing your stress book in for a FREE base chat with our team here.

Listen to 100 ways to relax with Dr Natasha Andreadis, GYN OB and Jennifer Ward, Naturopath here


Jennifer Ward, Adv dip Nat, BCom Econ, Masters Repro Med (studying)Jennifer is a qualified naturopath with a focus on fertility, pregnancy, hormonal imbalances. Learn more about Jennifer here Book a session with Jennifer here
For speaking engagements contact us at [email protected]