salmon caper frittata

One Pan Baked Salmon & Caper Frittata

“They say meal prep is easy and that I should be doing it twice a week…”

Yes, they are right. Meal prep is easy! If you simplify a recipe it can be as easy as 5 minutes of prep and under 30 minutes of cooking. I am going to show you how, first with my One Pan Frittata recipe.

The key with starting out preparing your own meals at home is to keep it simple.

Nail this recipe and you can adapt, personalise and make it your own using say other sources of protein (Organic chicken, raw seeds, grass fed meat) or different feature veggies (roasted potato, broccoli, leek) or flavours to mix up your weekly prep.

One Pan Frittata: Baked Salmon & Caper

Serves 2 meals/ Serves 4 snacks

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes


2 Salmon middle fillets 300gm (Wild Caught can be bought from The Canadian Way)

2 tbsp Capers

4 large eggs (Free range – I get mine from Carriage Works Farmers Markets)

1/3 cup milk (I choose Nutty Bruce Almond milk)

2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil (I like The Source Bulkfood’s EVOO)

2 tbsp Yoghurt (I like Meredith Valley Sheep’s Yoghurt best)

1 cup Spinach

Herbs of your choosing – Dill, Coriander, Parsley, Thyme

Salt & Pepper


1. Line a deep baking dish with baking paper (25 x 15cm, 20 x 20cm)

2. Place salmon fillets on baking paper and coat with capers and salt & pepper

3. Bake for 15 minutes on 180 (You do not want the salmon fully cooked at this stage)

4. While the salmon is baking, whisk together eggs, olive oil, yoghurt, milk, salt and pepper

If you would like to add dried spices, this is the time to do it!

5. Toss spinach on top of hot salmon and allow to wilt

6. Pour egg mixture over the top of salmon fillets making sure there is space between the two fillets. Then press spinach and herbs into mixture as much as possible

7. Bake for 20 minutes on 180 or until egg mixture has set

8. Allow to cool before cutting into meal or snack sized pieces


That is it. A completely fool proof, simple recipe that is giving you a good dose of health for your days ahead. Who said meal prep needs to be hard? 😉


Jennifer Ward, Adv dip Nat, BCom Econ, Masters Repro Med (studying)

Jennifer is a qualified naturopath with a focus on fertility, pregnancy, hormonal imbalances.

Learn more about Jennifer here

Book a session with Jennifer here

To learn more about other healthy recipes or for speaking enquires on this topic get in touch at [email protected]
