kids eating lunch

Kids Healthy Lunch Box Ideas

By two years of age a child requires 50% of a full grown adults energy intake. That is a whopping 2400kj for boys and 2100kj for girls. Ensuring the energy they consume is nutrient dense is important in the growth and synthesis of new tissues, brain function, muscular activity and metabolic processes. More importantly for the tired parents, this translates to increased focus, stabilised mood, a reduction of immune complaints and a more restful sleep at night. Let’s face it, who doesn’t want that.

Nutrient dense energy sources are vegetables, fruits, seeds & nuts, quality oils, legumes and some grains, also know as wholefoods. These foods generally find their way into main meals but sometimes get left out when it comes to snack time. As kids tend to want snacks 24/7 this makes up a large proportion of their energy intake. The question then becomes, what are quick & easy to prepare wholefood snacks that won’t blow the budget and that my kids will actually want to eat?

I have developed 3 fool proof wholefood based snacks that are jam packed with vegetables, fruits, fibre and good fats that your kids will love. Best yet these 3 recipes incorporate leftovers, saving you money and reducing waste. Eco-parenting win!

Wild Things Pizza

Serves 4

Prep time 15 minutes


2 cups chickpea flour

1 cup EV olive oil

1/2 – 1 cup water

1 tsp himalyan rock salt

1tsp cajun spices (optional)


1/2 cup Tomato paste/pesto/hummus

1 cup of chopped/mashed or grated vegetables (left overs are great here!

Topping (optional)

1/2 cup mozzarella

1/2 cup grated broccoli stalks

In a mixing bowl combine all base ingredients and whisk until combined. You want your mixture to be the consistency of pancakes.

Heat 2 tbsp of olive oil in a pan on medium heat. Pour 1/4 of the mixture in. If your pan is large, pour two bases in. The aim here is not to achieve a perfect circle for your bases, create a different shape each time.

After 5 minutes or once you start noticing the edges are becoming crispy, flip your base. Allow to cook for another 5 minutes.

Once golden on each side, put to the side to cool and start on your next batch.

Once your base has cooled, evenly spread your paste leaving a 2 cm edge. Then add filling. Trying not to over do the topping as it can make the base soggy.

Sprinkle with topping and you are done. The pizza is ready to go into an oven on 220 or under the grill for 5-10 minutes. You want to see a slight golden colour on top to know it’s ready.

Allow to cool slightly then serve or store away for a lunch box snack.

Monster Muffins

Serves 4

Prep time 15 minutes


2 cups chickpea flour

1 cup olive oil

1/2 – 1 cup water

1 egg/flaxegg


1/2 cup pesto/hummus/cajun spices


1 cup Chopped/mashed/grated vegetables

1/2 cup organic cheese (Optional)

Vegetables for decorating.

Line a muffin tray with baking paper.

In a mixing bowl combine all base ingredients and whisk until combined. You want your mixture to be the consistency of pancakes.

In a mixing bowl combine flavour and filling. Add to muffin tray evenly.

Top with base.

Decorate each muffin with monster faces.

Bake on 180 for 15 minutes or until each muffin is firm.

Allow to cool slightly then serve or store away for a lunch box snack.

Monkey Bites

Serves 4

Prep time 15 minutes

2/3 banana

2 dates

4 tbsp organic oat meal

3 tbsp organic shredded coconut

1 tsp cinnamon

1/3 tsp salt

Combine all ingredients together well with your hands.

Cook on 180 for 10 minutes.


All 3 snacks can be eaten warm or cold and last in the fridge for up to 4 days. Snacks are gluten free, dairy free, nut free, egg free.

So instead of heading to the kitchen for dry rice crackers and boring celery sticks, jazz up kid’s lunch box with these delicious snacks that take no time to prepare and are packed full of wholefoods. You may even want to make extra for yourself 😉


Kids energy needs

Check out my pinterest page for more recipes

Dry store food bought from Naked Foods

Fresh food bought from AboutLife Market Place


Jennifer Ward, Adv dip Nat, BCom Econ, Masters Repro Med (studying)

Jennifer is a qualified naturopath with a focus on fertility, pregnancy, hormonal imbalances.

Learn more about Jennifer here

Book a session with Jennifer here

To learn more about other healthy recipes or for speaking enquires on this topic get in touch at [email protected]