woman tracking her cycle

Our Favourite Period Tracking Apps To Help Your Flow Glow (updated)

Cycle tracking is not just for those wanting to fall pregnant. Tracking is the most effective way to predict ovulation, PMS, know when to expect your flow, get to know your mood and give you a sense of control over your body each day of the month.

Now there is an app for absolutely everything including cycle tracking so no more A4 menstrual charts and finding a working pen, we have digitised our flows!

Here are my top 3 favourite apps to help you track your cycle including a bonus app to really get to know your flow!

What are the best apps out there?

1. Natural Cycles

Natural cycles is the bees knees of cycle tracking apps. The app connects to a digital thermometer to accurately track temperature and thus ovulation. Knowing when or if you ovulated each month is so important if you are looking to have a baby or if you are using the Fertility Awareness Method for contraception.

Natural cycles also allows you to track your daily symptoms and is very user friendly. The only downside is it’s a paid app, however if you opt in for the yearly pack they will throw in a free digital thermometer.

Who is it for – Great for those wanting to conceive, those unsure if they are ovulating and master trackers who want all the information.

Where to buy – Apple iTunes and android. Sign up here

Tracking level – Advanced


2. Glow

I have used this app for over a three years now, it has made tracking my period actually kind of fun! Checking in each day on mood, physical symptoms, your fertility level, it’s like a life checker/period tracker in one.

This app is great if you are new to tracking your period and want to know the basics like when your mood may turn ugly (warn your partner!), when you may expect to feel a little heavier and perhaps to learn something new about your cycle that you didn’t before.

It also charts symptoms by date so you can better predict your symptoms each month.

Who is it for – Perfect for those new to tracking their period or curious to learn a little more about their body.

Where to download – Apple iTunes and android (free and paid version)

Tracking level – Beginners


3. Clue

This beauty has connections! Allowing you to connect with your phone’s health app and your health specialist in a click of a button making it easier then ever to share your symptoms. They also connect with top universities to help us understand the female cycle even better.

Clue allows you to take control of which symptoms you would like to track but not only that it tracks way more then just your period. It will check in on your social life, meditation practice, how much you partied that day and how mentally alert you are. Truly your new BFF especially when it’s a rough day!

Clue like most period tracking apps is great on the education front, offering you bites of information each time you select a symptom helping you to learn as you go.

Where to download – Apple iTunes and android (free and paid version)

Tracker level – Intermediate


4. Kindara

Newest to the market is Kindara, an app that has similar features to natural cycles except we have found it to be a little more user-friendly. It tracks ovulation via temperature (so you need a thermometer) and other signs like cervical mucous to determine when you are fertile. They also have some pretty nifty premium features on offer if you want to really give tracking a go and are bringing out Priya this year, a wearable that tracks core temperature, technology that could change the face of fertility!

Who is it for – For those who want advanced tracking with the latest features and best ovulation tracker

Where to download – Apple iTunes and android (free and paid version)

Tracking level – Intermediate/advanced


BONUS APP! Hormonology

If you are a keen bean and want to know more about your cycle and how it effects your personality, mood and feels then this is such a great app for you.

Each day of your cycle it will give you a horoscope like prediction of what you should expect that day.

‘You’re getting closer and closer to the end of week 2, arguably the best part of your cycle.. so harness all the hormonal effects you love about this week – the killer memory, revved mental speed, upbeat mood, high confidence and souped up energy’

This app tells you when to go out there and kick ass in life or when to jump back into bed for a little r&r.

It could be a lifesaver of many relationships and melt downs!



If there are any other apps you are loving right now let me know by commenting below.


Jennifer Ward, Adv dip Nat, BCom Econ, Masters Repro Med (studying)

Jennifer is a qualified naturopath with a focus on fertility, pregnancy, hormonal imbalances.

Learn more about Jennifer here

Book a session with Jennifer here

To learn more about periods, the benefits of tracking or for speaking enquires on this topic get in touch at [email protected]

#sheglows #womenshormones #PMS #moodswings #periodtracking
