How to create a Balanced Plate
There is a lot of confusion around what constitutes a ‘healthy’ meal. In a world full of diet trends it’s little wonder that we get lost in the noise. If you are looking
Why am I bloated, and what can I do about it?
Bloating is defined as a sense of gassiness or a feeling of abdominal distention. It’s a common complaint in clinic and can be wildly uncomfortable. When it comes to the gut, peo
Pregnancy Nutrition – Trimester 2
During the course of pregnancy, a remarkable series of physiologic changes occur, aimed at preserving maternal homeostasis while at the same time providing for fetal growth and dev
Why Period Pain is Not Normal, and What You Can Do About It
Period pain, known as dysmenorrhoea, is one of the most common symptoms women consult with a Naturopath for. I call it a symptom very deliberately, as it is a symptom (or we a stro
How To Make A Traditional Bone Broth
Our grandmas’ knew all along that a nourishing mug of bone broth was the perfect winter warmer and all around health elixir. Bone broth can be enjoyed by the mug-full seasoned wi
How To Improve Your Sleep + The Sleep Stress Connection Explained.
Have you ever been exhausted but can’t sleep? Perhaps not only experiencing sleepless nights and insomnia, but being in a pattern of ‘wired and tired’ for continual weeks
100 Ways To Relax (brought to you by our patients!)
We talk a lot about relaxation and the importance of it in the studio. The conversation is on repeat with each of our patients and for good reason! Lowered stress levels have been
Our Favourite Snack Options to Combat your 3pm Hanger
A comment I hear from my clients again and again is that they consume so many ‘accidental’ sugary snacks throughout their day – where it be office birthday cakes,
Our Favourite Immune Boosting Recipes
It is well established that the nutritional deficiency even if relatively mild can impair immune functions. Micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, vitamins A, C, E and B-vitamins m
Understanding & Improving Male Fertility
It is a huge misconception that women need to do all the preparation when it comes to making a baby. It’s estimated that half of couples having issues falling pregnant are re